Saturday, July 26, 2008

The East Hamptons Antiques Show - Scott Estepp

Scott Estepp is definitely one of a kind, and I mean that in the most flattering sense. Anyone who is familiar with Scott can recognize his quirky and often off the wall inventory of found objects, American folk art, period and continental pieces often squeezed together in an unexpected yet somehow perfect composition.

Always humble about his work, Scott is never too proud to ask "what do you think" during setups. He's always ready to help out when I'm splitting hairs about my own booth setup, and I have to say he's one of the guys at the shows that taught me that its ok to think "out of the box" when it comes to collecting, display, composition and the importance of presenting your merchandise in the best way that you can.

For as long as he can remmember Scott has been a collector of things. As he says "I have a love of good design - anything that is well designed" is fair game for Scott's unwavering eye. He sums up his look as "sculptural objects" and for some inexplicable reason he says he's drawn to circular forms. We can see that from the folk art wheel sculpture made from fence pickets secured with handmade iron rings.

He travels hundreds of miles up and down the American back country, working with local craftsmen to fabricate armatures, stands, and bases for his numerous oddly shaped found objects and folk art that he has become known for. I once saw a wooden Winebago motorhome the size of a breadbox hung from fishing line in Scott's booth, it was a birdhouse. It was very "Scott", as dealers have been known to say.

Scott's selections for this year's East Hampton Antiques Show were no less odd and certainly no less amazing than any of his other shows. I especially loved the wall sculpture made of antique hand trowels, it is wonderful.
Scott can be found at
and at "The Modernism" Show at the Downtown Amory in NYC, and at "The Pier Show", as well as The East Hampton Antiques Show annually.

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